Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I'm trying to upload a video for you all, it may take me a while but I'll try to get it up here.

BTW I really wish I had a job that was like just looking at Internet sites all day long and being paid lots for it. That would be so cool.

And I went to a Craft Fair in Brisbane, I have never felt so very alone or ignorant or young. I think I was the youngest person there outside of a stroller, and the only one who wasn't already in a craft club. But I brought a book, so that I can learn how to sew stuff and be really cool, like all the pensioners there. Yeah, I'm totally an old lade in disguise. And Lucy, you would have been drooling over the scrapbooking supplies that were there, in fact I'm pretty glad I went by myself so that I could move around at my own pace. it was pretty frickin crowded as well, and I didn't get the free sample bag that I wanted, only the first 1500 people got those, and apparently I wasn't one of those. It will be interesting to go to the women's convention in November.

Katina Note.


Josie said...

nana clarke actually crochetted...maybe you could try that...i know quilting is a great craft activity to do... lots of creativity to achieve beautiful quilted designs

Katina said...

I also brought some fabric already, and was thinking of making it into something, and I've gone online to look at clothes patterns, but I'm not kidding myself about my lack of ability, I really do need to learn from somwhere before I attempt anyything. This is something that not even a book can teach you.