Monday, October 8, 2007

Hi Mum!

Well, I think so far, it's going well, 3 weeks, 3 posts. Go MEeeee!

Anyway, I am so glad school holidays are over, finally work will go down to normal, instead of freaking crazy constant. At least I have a bit of extra money now. Does anyone else find it weird how work interrupts your life? I mean next week I really wanted to wonder around Brisbane and do some exploring maybe catch a Citycat, but now I can't because I have to go to work. I really don't think that I can be one of those people whose life is their work and vice versa.

I don't know if that's just immaturity or my streak of independence, but I have a life and things that I want to do. I want to travel, maybe study more, create companies and become cooler than Angelina Jolie, and I just don't think I could do that if I was working all the time. But knowing me, I'll probably change my tune, once the money starts coming in.

Now I'm changing the subject to the Internet social communities known as Myspace and Facebook. For the record I don't have one. And recently on one of my favourite web-comics (, the artist was asking people to join his Facebook community, and I now kind of want to, but at the same time I hear horror stories of people who become these My/Face junkie and spend hours everyday, updating and editing (Tash). Or worse they're like Chantelle who never updates and only has one so she can spy on other people from High School (I'm kidding, really, her's is totally cool, probably I haven't actually seen it :P. Or they get to be the victims of Identity theft, like Lucy's Dad.

This blog is like my only thing and even then I maybe look at it weekly (or like twice a week tops) and that's to reply to the comments from my Mum. And judging by how many people come to this one, I doubt that it would be really different if I had like a My/Face.

But then there is this part of me that's like, "Hello, you're moving soon, do it now. So people can keep in contact with you, because you just know that they're not going to call you." So people let me know your experiences and what you use (My/Face), you don't have to comment, instead there other ways to contact me, such as my email, phone or to my face. (And NO this is not a cry for attention).

Oh and random thing, while I was at Pure Indulgence for my appointment, I was in the room with a therapist that I'd never had before and they started chatting to me and she asks me "How long till I move to Canberra?" I have a momentary panic, that I A) Do know her or B) She's a stalker, that's right people I don't overreact at all. So I just ask how she knew that and she said it was in my file. And I was like OMG, what else does my file so like, "really nice, but talks too much, or her hair is like really thick, so be careful". Anyway I just had pictures in my head of the team at PD being like spies and getting briefed and what not about their next client. I can see how it would be nice to have a file but I felt weird knowing that someone out there knows stuff that only my friends or family know (which is all the people that should be reading this blog are).

OK, Emma's getting hungry so I have to go feed her, and no she's not my new pet, she's a real life human friend of mine.



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