Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Favourite Websites

OK, so I thought that I'd do something fun and give a list of some of the websites I like and maybe talk about the cool things I see, now the sites I'm about to mention I look at, at least weekly, normally twice a week, so if they can retain my interest, I think they can do the same to yours.

Web Comics


Cool Hunting Sites


Random Sites


And I wanted to tell everybody that they should both A) Donate Blood and B) Get themselves onto the Bone Marrow Transplant List as they donate blood. I've done both, and it's not all that hard, and you get a free feed whenever you donate blood (I'm so tempted to go back weekly but you can't cause you're blood needs to replenish, that's how good the food is).

By the way, I really want a Mac Book Pro : -(

Katina Note


Anonymous said...

You'll be pleased to hear you have well and truly got me addicted to postsecret.. aiden even went and bought me one of their books!!! its yet to arrive but i can't wait... sad but true.. i blame you, its all you :P

Katina said...

OMG, that's so cool, even I don't have any of those books yet. How long have you been addicted? I also got Blaine hooked on some of the webistes as well.


Josie said...

what's a mac book pro? please explain

Katina said...

A Mac Book Pro is a type of computer that comes from the Apple Company (they invented the Ipod), it's just a really cool computer that is designed alot better then most PC computers are, and has alot more features that already come with it, you don't need to download or install extra software. So it's really cool.